Avner's Lab

Friends, colleagues, collaborating labs...
We believe in collaborative research, sharing ideas, learning from each other, and complement with different expertises, to advance scientific research. Over the years we have worked with several groups in Israel and around the world, getting to meet many scientists and their students.
Here are some links to these research groups:
Andre Seale and Darren Lerner, at the Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology.
Berta Levavi-Sivan, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Dietmar Kueltz, at the University of California - Davis.
Elena Sarropoulou, at the Hellenic Center for Marine Research.
Eric Hallerman, at Virginia Tech.
Eyal Seroussi, at the Agricultural Research Organization.
Itzik Mizrahi, at Ben Gurion University in the Negev.
Jean-Francois Barollier, Helena D'Cotta, at CIRAD.
Micha Ron, at the Agricultural Research Organization.
Tom Kocher, at the University of Maryland.
Links to our favorite societies, helping us to interact with the scientific community:
The Physiology Section of the American Fisheries Society (AFS)
The Society for Experimental Biology (SEB)
The Society of Israeli Aquaculture and Marine Biotechnology (SIAMB)
We can be followed on facebook